Preparing and presenting lectures and experiments for student of primary school


  • Elisângela de A. Santos Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Joselaine C. Santana Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Luzia Cristina M. Santos Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Carlos Henrique C. Oliveira Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Jônathas R. de Jesus Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Edna Menezes Santos Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Maria Helena C. Costa Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Maria Gileide de Oliveira Colégio Estadual Murilo Braga
  • Shislaine A. de Andrade Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Suzana A. S. Santos Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Marcos Bispo da Paixão Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Rubens Diego B. de Carvalho Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Vando Kleber S. Soares Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Denise J. Santos Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Carlos Alberto S. Júnior Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Ericarla de Jesus Souza Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Zélia Soares Macedo Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Lectures, experiments


The present work was developed through the partnership between the Federal University of Sergipe andthe State School Murilo Braga, located in city of Itabaiana, and that obtained expressive participation oftheir students, that participated of the program PIBICJr of the extinct FAP-SE. The main goal was toinvolve the students with the research, as well as to provide the opportunity of taking part of theuniversity activities. The students prepared the lectures using the Microsoft Power Point software, andmounted physics experiment which expressed their daily experiences, using low cost materials. The firststep was to research books, magazines and internet sites, studying physic themes. After that, the studentspresented the lectures to the project coordinator and then to the primary students from their school andother neighbor schools in Itabaiana. The students who attended to the lectures were object of aninvestigation through questionary that were filled out before and after the lectures. It was observed, in thequestionary, a change on their physics concept and a great assimilation of the ideas in ludic and relaxedway. The work is giving a great contribution to these students that experienced scientific activities andbecame more communicative with the school community.

How to Cite

Santos, E. de A., Santana, J. C., Santos, L. C. M., Oliveira, C. H. C., de Jesus, J. R., Santos, E. M., Costa, M. H. C., de Oliveira, M. G., de Andrade, S. A., Santos, S. A. S., da Paixão, M. B., de Carvalho, R. D. B., Soares, V. K. S., Santos, D. J., S. Júnior, C. A., Souza, E. de J., & Macedo, Z. S. (2011). Preparing and presenting lectures and experiments for student of primary school. Scientia Plena, 2(7). Retrieved from

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