Analysis of interference of project coordination during the execution of works


  • Camilla Araújo Coelho Oliveira
  • Débora de Gois Santos



project coordination, project process, rationalization.


The real estate market in Brazil has become very competitive in recent years, due to increasing demand from customers for higher product quality as well as the shortest delivery time. New practices related to projects arise associated with the management and technological development. For this there is the need for efficient coordination of tasks and adequate communication between the agents involved. This research aims to analyze the main interference caused by lack of project coordination during the execution of the work, according to the vision of designers and engineers, and propose measures to achieve improvements in the project process. For this, interviews were conducted with those involved in project coordination, ie, designers and performers. Interferences between projects were identified how major difficulties in designing and organizing the project. The main problems referred to the architectural design. Thus, it is expected with this diagnosis contribute to the improvement of the performance of this step.



How to Cite

Oliveira, C. A. C., & Santos, D. de G. (2015). Analysis of interference of project coordination during the execution of works. Scientia Plena, 11(11).



1º Seminário de Engenharia Civil