Quality of sesame seeds harvested fruit in different stages of maturation


  • Amanda Micheline Amador Lucena CNPq/Embrapa
  • Natália Thaynã Farias Cavalcanti UEPB/Embrapa Algodão
  • Alexandra Leite Farias UEPB/Embrapa Algodão
  • Kleydianne da Silva Santos UEPB/Embrapa Algodão
  • Nair Helena Castro Arriel Embrapa Algodão
  • Fábio Aquino de Albuquerque Embrapa Algodão


Sesamum indicum L., harvesting time, characteristic of seed


In Harvesting is one of the most critical stages of the production system of a culture because it can determine seed quality and productivity. The research objective was to evaluate the physico-chemical and physiological fruit and sesame seeds harvested at different stages of maturation. Sesame capsules were taken from the middle randomly chosen plants in the area. Treatments consisted of capsules collected in three periods: at 75, 90 and 105 days after seedling emergence, respectively. In a completely randomized design with four replications were evaluated mass of 1000 seeds, fruit length, fruit diameter, oil content, percentage of emergency and Emergency Rate Index (ERI). It was observed that all variables were influenced significantly to the fruit maturation. The length of the fruit showed a pattern similar to the diameter where the capsules with a lower percentage of moisture decreased in size compared with the capsules 75 DAE. Sesame fruits from plants at 75 days after emergence originated seeds with low oil content (48.53%), emergency low percentage (50.9%) and lower ERI (6.65). We concluded that the harvest sesame BRS Seda at 75 days after seedling emergence negatively affects the seed weight, oil content, percentage of emergence and speed Index emergency. The capsules of sesame BRS Seda that show yellowish or light brown are able to harvest. 

Author Biographies

Amanda Micheline Amador Lucena, CNPq/Embrapa

Biológa com doutorado em Recursos Naturais e pós doutoranda em Fitomelhoramento.CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7949456518179872

Natália Thaynã Farias Cavalcanti, UEPB/Embrapa Algodão

Alexandra Leite Farias, UEPB/Embrapa Algodão

CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1528460064159287

Kleydianne da Silva Santos, UEPB/Embrapa Algodão

Nair Helena Castro Arriel, Embrapa Algodão

Fábio Aquino de Albuquerque, Embrapa Algodão



How to Cite

Lucena, A. M. A., Cavalcanti, N. T. F., Farias, A. L., Santos, K. da S., Arriel, N. H. C., & Albuquerque, F. A. de. (2013). Quality of sesame seeds harvested fruit in different stages of maturation. Scientia Plena, 9(6). Retrieved from https://scientiaplena.emnuvens.com.br/sp/article/view/1358

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