Study of radioprotective effect of methanol extract of Caesalpinia pyramidalis on embryonic cells of Biomphalaria glabatra.


  • Mariana Luiza de Oliveira Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Williams Nascimento Siqueira Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • José Luis Ferreira Sá Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Luanna Ribeiro Santos Silva Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Daniela Lyra de Vasconcelos Cabral Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Francisco Fernandes Amâncio Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Ana Maria Mendonça de Albuquerque Melo Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


radiation, radiation safety, toxicity


Ionizing radiation interacts with the environment may cause biological effects such as DNA damage, mutations in chromosomes and cell death. For this reason, it has currently researching the radioprotective effect of various substances, natural or synthetic, with the intention that the benefit brought by the therapeutic use of ionizing radiation is not outweighed by its harmful effects. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the possible radioprotective effect of the methanol extract of the bark and leaves of Caesalpinia pyramidalis. The tests were conducted face to embryos of Biomphalaria glabrata, an experimental model known as a good indicator of the action of physical and chemical agents. The study was performed with the methanolic extract of the leaf and bark Caesalpinia pyramidalis, five groups of 100 students each embryo, and the experimental groups consisting embryos subjected to the presence of extracts for 24 hours, including the period of irradiation. The samples were irradiated with doses of 2.5, 4​​, 5, 10, 20, 40,50 e 100 Gy in a 60Co irradiator Gammacell department Nuclear Energy UFPE. Then, the embryos were analyzed in a Petri dish for eight consecutive days. The obtained results suggest that the extract of the bark of Caesalpinia pyramidalis, the concentration of 250 ppm, protected embryos irradiated with doses of 2.5 and 4.0 Gy. 

Author Biographies

Mariana Luiza de Oliveira Santos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Biofísica e Radiobiologia

Área: Radiobiologia

Williams Nascimento Siqueira, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Biofísica e Radiobiologia

Área: Radiobiologia

José Luis Ferreira Sá, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Biofísica e Radiobiologia

Área: Radiobiologia

Luanna Ribeiro Santos Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Biofísica e Radiobiologia

Área: Radiobiologia

Daniela Lyra de Vasconcelos Cabral, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Farmácia

Área: Etnobtânica

Francisco Fernandes Amâncio, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Biofísica e Radiobiologia

Área: Radiobiologia

Ana Maria Mendonça de Albuquerque Melo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Departamento de Biofísica e Radiobiologia

Área: Radiobiologia



How to Cite

Santos, M. L. de O., Siqueira, W. N., Sá, J. L. F., Silva, L. R. S., Cabral, D. L. de V., Amâncio, F. F., & Melo, A. M. M. de A. (2013). Study of radioprotective effect of methanol extract of Caesalpinia pyramidalis on embryonic cells of Biomphalaria glabatra. Scientia Plena, 9(9). Retrieved from

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