The role of religions as regulators of alternative sexualities: the case of homophobia and violence


  • Diego R. S. Pereira Departamento de Ciencias Socias, Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Josadac B. dos Santos Departamento de Ciencias Socias, Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Speech, homophobia, religion, violence


This article back as a matter of the relationship between homophobia and violence in the context of religious discourse. It is part of the studies on alternative sexualities (those that are beyond the heteronormative standard) and religion. As empirical object, we considered five religious denominations: Catholics, Protestants divided into historical and Pentecostals, Spiritualists and Candomblé. It was intended to investigate the perception and role of religious leaders and faithful towards homosexuals and other alternative sexualities, seeking to understand how far and how religion interferes in whole or in part in poses that validate or give support homophobic attitudes and violent, even in the symbolic dimension. The religions mentioned, as well as representation in Aracaju and most likely in Brazil, also become very active in political terms and the ability to influence the formation of public opinion. The intended goals are to identify the discourses of religious groups on homophobia and the capability to generate violence in relation to homo. From these, we analyzed the point of intersection of the different religious currents with the issue of homophobia determining the possible arguments that can contribute to a more tolerant of homo. Regarding the methodology were interviewed five religious leaders of which later formed five sessions, press conferences around the above-mentioned religious currents in the city of Aracaju, Sergipe, noting that the issues addressed by both the interviews as the collective sessions were: sexuality , homophobia, violence and religion. Finally, we compared the international discourse (those disclosed in the media and their leaders) and the arguments of believers and supporters in order to understand the differences of the speech of religious groups studied. The conclusion reached was that the discourse around homosexuality converge to a Christian morality of the conservative nature and therefore with features that can potentially be construed as homophobic.

How to Cite

Pereira, D. R. S., & dos Santos, J. B. (2011). The role of religions as regulators of alternative sexualities: the case of homophobia and violence. Scientia Plena, 5(11). Retrieved from