The Talbot and Rational-Talbot algorithms for inverting the Laplace transformation Applied to the solution of a problem of Mercury diffusion in the aquatic environment


  • Elisandra Konflanz Freitas Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Computacional, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Juciara Alves Ferreira
  • Bárbara Denicol do Amaral Rodriguez
  • João Francisco Prolo Filho



laplace transform, talbot method, rational-talbot method


In this article, the Talbot and Talbot-Rational methods are presented as numerical alternatives for the inversion of the Laplace transform, especially for problems in which the analytic execution of processes becomes very difficult. Tests are carried out in order to examine the resolution potential of these resources when applied to a problem of mercury diffusion in the aquatic environment. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that Talbot's algorithm is efficient for the inversion of the application problem. Talbot-Rational, on the other hand, requires a greater amount of terms in the summation to efficiently carry out the inversion process. A better performance of the technique is observed for higher values of .



How to Cite

Konflanz Freitas, E., Alves Ferreira, J., Denicol do Amaral Rodriguez, B., & Francisco Prolo Filho, J. (2023). The Talbot and Rational-Talbot algorithms for inverting the Laplace transformation Applied to the solution of a problem of Mercury diffusion in the aquatic environment. Scientia Plena, 19(11).

