The Civil-Military Coup and the Military Regime (1964-1968), through the perspective of periodical Jornal do Brasil.


  • Dayane Guarnieri


Journal of Brazil, civil - military coup, the military government.


The research intends to analyze the editorials published by “Jornal do Brasil” the representative of the great press during the military civil coup until 1968 with the objective to understand the justification involving the military civil coup and the military government front of changes that occurred in the speech of this newspaper into the everyday politics. As “Jornal do Brasil” defended the intervention into Goulart´s constitutional government, like the most of the press, it´s conjectured that it has continued supporting the military government. This newspaper intended to preserve the democratic appearance through democracy institutions and the legality in association with the military regime. Keywords:“Jornal do Brasil”; military civil coup; military government.


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How to Cite

Guarnieri, D. (2014). The Civil-Military Coup and the Military Regime (1964-1968), through the perspective of periodical Jornal do Brasil. Scientia Plena, 10(12). Retrieved from



Democracia e ditadura no Brasil e na América Latina