Construction of a standard index and analysis of financial performance of publicly traded companies related to the activity of exploration of highways.


  • Lenise Rodrigues da Silva CEFET/RJ - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
  • José André Villas Boas Mello CEFET/RJ - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
  • Nilson Correa Gonze UFRJ/PET - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / Programa de Engenharia de Transportes
  • Rômulo Dante Orrico Filho UFRJ/PET - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / Programa de Engenharia de Transportes


BM&FBovespa, Kanitz, Financial, Highways.


The work aims to establish a economic and financial comparison of the 19 publicly traded companies listed on the BM & FBovespa that have sectoral classification: Construction and Transport / Transport / exploration highways. It is intended to be used in the indices of liquidity, profitability, leverage, and the predictive model proposed by Kanitz to build a standard index for comparing the sectoral performance. The research is descriptive, exploratory and documentary approach, which allows the realization of a rereading of the accounting data of such companies. The main inputs were the balance sheets and income statements for the year 2013, from which the financial indicators of liquidity, leverage and profitability, ranked in increasing order for your decimal classification, based on concepts discussed in the literature were calculated. In addition, a classification was presented regarding the predictability of individual and sectoral solvency of the sample from the use of the insolvency of Kanitz factor. The analysis presents a great contribution to the evaluation of companies that meet demands of sectors related to public administration, it can give an unstable situations unforeseen perspective, as well as the continuity of the business.

Author Biographies

José André Villas Boas Mello, CEFET/RJ - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca

Nilson Correa Gonze, UFRJ/PET - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / Programa de Engenharia de Transportes

Rômulo Dante Orrico Filho, UFRJ/PET - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / Programa de Engenharia de Transportes



How to Cite

Silva, L. R. da, Mello, J. A. V. B., Gonze, N. C., & Orrico Filho, R. D. (2015). Construction of a standard index and analysis of financial performance of publicly traded companies related to the activity of exploration of highways. Scientia Plena, 11(3). Retrieved from