Evaluation of the treatment system and the quality of public water supplies in the Laranjal the Jari, AP


  • Raimundo de Moura Rolim Neto Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Amapá, Câmpus Laranjal do Jari
  • H. P. Bezerra
  • V. B. Campos
  • K. F. Siqueira
  • W.L. Almeida


Potability, Human Consumption, Water Resources, Eastern Amazon


Objective was to evaluate the raw and treated water quality in Water Treatment Plant (WTP) of the Laranjal do Jari County, Amapá State, Northern Brazil. Water samples were collected at two sampling sites. PT 01 in Parshall flume, used to determine the flow near the WTP which were collected four samples, three for pH, turbidity and apparent color, and for analysis of Total Coliform and Escherichia coli. PT 02, located at the output of treated water reservoir, we analyzed the same variables of the PT 01 and aluminum. The samples sent for microbiological analysis and aluminum were collected with sterile glass recipient and the other with polyethylene bottles, packed in polystyrene foam container with ice and sent to the laboratory. Even with compromised structural conditions, the values for the variables turbidity and apparent color, total coliforms, E. coli, free residual chlorine and aluminum were in accordance with standards established by the Ministry of Health no 2914/11, noting as well that only the pH of the treated water was at odds with that ordinance. 

Author Biography

Raimundo de Moura Rolim Neto, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Amapá, Câmpus Laranjal do Jari

Atualmente é Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amapá - IFAP, onde leciona as disciplinas de Gestão Ambiental, Recursos Hídricos, Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental e Efluentes Líquidos e Emissões Atmosféricas, no Curso Técnico em Meio Ambiente. É membro do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais - GEPA/IFAP, na Linha de Pesquisa: Conservação de Bacias Hidrográficas. É formado em Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental e Especialista em Análise e Avaliação de Impactos Ambientais. Áreas de Atuação: Qualidade das Águas, Avaliação de Impactos Ambientais, Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos e Efluentes Líquidos. E-mail: raimundo.neto@ifap.edu.br



How to Cite

Rolim Neto, R. de M., Bezerra, H. P., Campos, V. B., Siqueira, K. F., & Almeida, W. (2013). Evaluation of the treatment system and the quality of public water supplies in the Laranjal the Jari, AP. Scientia Plena, 9(11). Retrieved from https://scientiaplena.emnuvens.com.br/sp/article/view/1349