Traffic lights management and analysis of the impact of the dispersion of pollutants using the simulator SUMO


  • Míriam Blank Born Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
  • Diana Francisca Adamatti Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
  • Marilton Sanchotene de Aguiar Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel



Genetic Algorithms, Dispersion of Pollutants and SUMO.


Nowadays, urban mobility and air quality issues are prominent, due to the heavy traffic of vehicles and the emission of pollutants dissipated in the atmosphere. In the literature, a model of optimal control of traffic lights using Genetic Algorithms (GA) has been proposed. These algorithms have been introduced in the context of traffic control, in order to search for possible solutions to the problems of traffic lights in major urban centers. The analysis of pollutant dispersion becomes an important aspect to be studied and evaluated, so viable solutions are deployed in order to improve the urban traffic and air quality. Thus, this work aims to develop a Genetic Algorithm (GA) can help manage traffic lights from the city of Rio Grande / RS center and analyze, from simulated scenarios in the simulator SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) the impact of the dispersion of pollutants in this area.

Author Biographies

Míriam Blank Born, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG

Diana Francisca Adamatti, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG

Marilton Sanchotene de Aguiar, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel


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How to Cite

Born, M. B., Adamatti, D. F., & de Aguiar, M. S. (2015). Traffic lights management and analysis of the impact of the dispersion of pollutants using the simulator SUMO. Scientia Plena, 11(8).



VI Conferência Sul em Modelagem Computacional